Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Describe in brief, the importance of editing, coding, classification, tabulation and presentation of data in the context of research study.

Describe in brief, the importance of editing, coding, classification, tabulation and presentation of data in the context of research study.

Data required for the purpose of analysis & presentation of a research study is often consisting of errors such errors must be rectified before the final presentation is made.

This process involves editing, coding, classification, tabulation & presentation of data.
Editing- This is concerned with removal of redundant data, filling of missing data completeness of data substance & reliability of data. The data obtained from variance sources are not always complete-sometimes fields remain black due to the human errors also this requires to be corrected. It also corrects the entries present at wrong positions. Many techniques like filling the empty values by frequent values, average values, random value, lowest value etc are common. The editing must be performed just after the data have been collected. This ensures that consistency is maintained various details like editor. data of editing etc are recorded.
Coding^ Coding is performed to assign a predefined meaning to the data captured. The records that satisfy a given constraints are often marked with some Alphabets numerals etc. so that while sorting. Searching such records are taken out by a single search command. This concept is mutually exclusive.
Classification- This step of data sorting involves the segregation of data into various classified forms. The step of-classification makes the data analysis easy often a research study conducted. Serves not only single but multiple purposes. The various departments in organisation are interested in different aspects of the same data collected by the researches. These data correspond to the various form of analysis to make a particular decision. Data classification helps in making-comparisons & design strategies & policies for future action classification is performed accounting to various criterias like year wise, caste wise income group wise, department wise etc. During the problem study itself the classification criteria must be mentioned. Data classified into various forms may be further summed up to form an aggregated plan & even the aggregated data may be drilled down to achieve the desired results as per specifications.
Tabulation" Classified data is presented in the form of rows & columns called tables. Such an approach is helpful for sorting, indexing, searching, aggregating & performing all sorts of operations leading to the data bank. This is further used for performing what if analysis. They present data clearly & to the point. The table must have row & column name to identify what the table represents. There must also be table names & headings for proper presentation Table also help to perform joining of two data sources. There must be appropriate messages attached to the cells, column, Page header & footer to allow easy referencing. Table hence designed must present simple, accurate & clear picture of the conclave to be displayed. The table designed must be able to fulfill the basic criteria for which if were designed.
Presentation^ Data available in table in form of facts & figures are also presented in the form of the charts, pictorial graphics, picture analysis-graphics etc. This helps the top management to perform an effective data decision presentation is in the form of presentation is in the form of Graphics, pictorial. Pie charts etc. These are" tools for top managements for an accurate data interpretations.

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